Saturday, September 26, 2015

Myths About the Family...

Below is a list of items that I am going to be discussing in my post today... I would like you to tell me which item is a fact or a myth about the family?

1. Love is not the reason to get married.
2. Having children makes for a happier marriage.
3. Half of marriages end in divorce.
4. Opposites attract to one another.

So what do you think? Well let me tell you that ALL of those items listed above are MYTHS!!!

Love is not the reason to get married because over time people's love changes. I can honestly say that I do not love my husband the same today then I did when we got married because I LOVE HIM MORE. Also love has a different meaning to every person and so measuring love can be a very tricky thing.

Statistics show that people actually are less happy once they start having children because a husband and wife spend more time focusing on their children than they do focusing on each other. If you are married please remember that your spouse was there before your children and they will be there after your children. I am not saying to not care about your children, but I am saying to spend time with one another, still go out on dates, still make each other laugh, and most importantly still remember that they are your number one person which means they should be a priority as well.

It is not true that half of marriages end in divorce, but rather 75% of marriages last. One thing that I have noticed through reading textbooks, articles, and research is that people tend to post the negative information, rather than posting the positive information. Now this is my own personal observation, but I do wonder... If people would to post all the good that marriage has to offer people and not the bad would more people be inclined to get marriage and not be scared of the divorce rate? You are in control of your marriage people do not let the myth or statistic define your marriage!!!

Every person has their own personality. Opposite do not always attract, but sometimes they do. The more you have in common though the more likely you are to relate to one another and enjoy one another's company. Also sharing core values and sharing the same religion makes for a good relationship because you do not have to defend all the time why you feel the way you feel about certain topics. I just have one thought though... If opposite did attract don't you think people would get tired of fighting or arguing with one another? I do not have the answer, but I just wonder. Being in a relationship is all about having a POSITIVE OUTLOOK... IT GOES A LONG WAY!!!!

In end I just want to say that when it comes to marriage and families everyone if different. We all have different opinions, different spouses, and different children. What works for you may not work for someone else, but we should NOT let myths define who we are and how our lives turn out.

Be Kind to Others,
Gabby Smith

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Meet the Author...

Hello Humans!! My name is Gabrielle Smith. I am starting this blog to share my thoughts and insights about the Family. I am so excited to share with you and I hope that I can help someone out there reading this blog in some way, shape, or form. Please leave comments because I would love to have conversations with people about their family or simple families in general. Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy reading my blog every week.

Be Kind to Others,
Gabby Smith