Monday, December 14, 2015

Communication Within the Family...


There is never a moment when we are not communicating with people. YOU CANNOT NOT COMMUNICATE... Isn't that crazy!!!

There are three ways people communicate:
1. Words
2. Tone
3. Non- Verbal

We communicate the most through non verbals with people, then through tones, and then through words. Is anyone else surprised about this like I was?!?! I am a girl, I totally thought that I talked way more than anything else. If you ask my husband he says that I talk too much sometimes, but then I think about it and it makes sense. There are so many times when him and I are talking and my body just says something completely different than I do. It's like my body is telling the truth, but I am saying something else.

I wonder if this means that we should rely on our body more with people than with our words. You know the saying sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt men... This takes it to a whole other level.

I guess my only question is why do we get so upset when people offend us if we use words much less than we do non verbals? Just a food for thought. Let me know what you think!

Be Kind to Others,
Gabby Smith

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